This is not about seduction, but maybe a part of it.
What do women want?
A Man have to lead a women who he love to happiness or at least security.
・Rationality and Self-control: Can a man who is emotional provide for her.
・Social status: can those who are around a man provide for her or not?
・Health: to be able to work and provide for her.
・intelligence: to be able to adapt to each difficult situation and overcome it.
・Finance: Now, this means food, living, security.
・Compassion: Sense what she needs.
can the man reduce her stress and feel safe?
・Humor: Do not take life so seriously and be more playful about that.
I think women want security and a strong man who can provide her.
Casanova put it in some way.
I wanna be the one, but how?
Rationality and self-control: overcome my emotional self
Social Status: Master Human Nature
Finance: Work and Do some thing for the world. Use what I have and use it for the world. Find what people want and provide that. It do not have to be great.
Humor: Practice never take life so seriously and personal and be happy about life.
intelligence: Read many books and actually practice the skills
Health: Work out, eat healthy, stay in shape.
Compassion: Master Human Nature
Oh, there are many things I need to do to be a better man.
Maybe, tomorrow I need to deep into each topic and how I can improve!
"A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages. Yet he dismisses without notice his thought, because it is his. In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts; they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The purpose of this blog is to examine my thoughts, ideas, and life in order to know myself, and find where I am and who I am.
Gratitude and Favorite Quotes
I respect and thank great stoics for they taught me how to overcome obstacles and no matter the life's situation is, and human can CHOO...
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