What happened today?
I woke up at 7:00.
I did not have time to exercise, so I just meditated, and headed for the school.
In the train, I listen to 48 strategies of war by Robert Greene.
1 hour in the train, so I think I need to use it wisely.
I would like to listen to 1 chapter of an audiobook, and take notes on that.
I need to schedule it.
After that, I practiced animation until 3 pm at school.
I ate Karubi-don at Yoshinoya, which is a donburi restaurant in Japan for lunch.
I came back to home. In the train, I do not remember what I was doing, which is really bad.
I talked with my mother about my life and my stress, but I realized talking this to her will not solve it. I need to accept suffering in life and start living my life.
Prepared to swim in the gym.
I swam until 19:30.
Back to home, and ate dinner and now writing this blog.
Story Is it possible to love two person at once? This feels pretty strange. I do not know who I love. I am confused. When I am in love with one woman, I felt just right. The burning emotion is directed toward one person. However, when I am attracted to two women at once, those feelings of love are divided.
Karubi-don 650 yen
Protein drink 250 yen
900 yen
Protein is a bit expensive man.
"A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages. Yet he dismisses without notice his thought, because it is his. In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts; they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The purpose of this blog is to examine my thoughts, ideas, and life in order to know myself, and find where I am and who I am.
Gratitude and Favorite Quotes
I respect and thank great stoics for they taught me how to overcome obstacles and no matter the life's situation is, and human can CHOO...
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